Alpha Course 1 minute Promo

by | Jul 25, 2012 | Evangelisation, ZZ_All

 Alpha Course 1 minute Promo

Each of the three people in this video were inpacted by doing an Alpha Course. They gave their time free for this ad.

Linvoy Primus – Premiership footballer with Portsmouth FC”]If you are questioning your role in life…go on an Alpha course. Lots of people think that church is just a building but you can start a relationship with God and find someone to talk to.

 Bear Grylls – British adventurer, writer and television presenter.”]If anyone is interested I would say do an Alpha course. We did it and it helped us together… it was very unpressured, very relaxed with quite nice dinners… it has definately helped my faith… i’m not scared any longer to say that it is a big part of my life.

 Kim Johnson – 22 Year old professional model.”]Jesus has made a big difference in my life. He’s my rock… He is completely alive in my life… The happiness I have now is a real happiness instead of a superficial happiness. Its good to have someone to trust in.

What is Alpha?

more info –

Alpha is a 10-week course that explores some of the basic truths of the Christian faith – “Who is Jesus?”, “Why Did Jesus Die?” and “Does God Still Heal Today?” It is Christ centred and scripturally based and has the backing of all the Christian denominations. The course is relaxing, non threatening, low key, friendly and fun. Participants meet weekly and listen to a talk lasting 40 or 20 minutes. These talks are available on DVD or can be given by a live speaker. Participants then break into small groups to discuss the talk and questions arising from it. During the Course there is a day/week-end away, focusing on the Holy Spirit.

Alpha has been used in the process of bringing many people into a living personal relationship with Jesus and bringing them into contact with the Christian community. Many are finding meaning to life through Alpha.

The Amazing Growth of Alpha

Alpha originated at Holy Trinity Brompton – an Anglican church in London in the 1970′s. The syllabus of the course is contained in the Book “Questions of Life” by Rev. Nicky Gumbel. The course is usually held in a local Church hall but it has also been run successfully in other venues such as private houses, community centres, pubs, golf clubs and hotels.

When the course ends, participants are encouraged to continue their spiritual journey in their local parish or church, sometimes through a parish cell, pastorate or lectio divina group. Cell groups are now established in 39 Catholic parishes in Ireland, some as a follow-up to Alpha eg. Callan, Carrickfergus, Longford. Cell or home Groups are already established in many Church of Ireland, Presbyterian, Methodist, Pentecostal and other churches.

Everyone is welcome on an Alpha course and people attend for a wide variety of reasons. Some come seeking a meaning to life; others are concerned about what happens after death. Still others may have attended church on and off all their lives but feel they have never really understood the basics of the Christian faith. People come from many different backgrounds, holding many different viewpoints – but all come with the same objective: looking for an opportunity to explore the meaning of life.