IEC2012 – Eucharist in Suffering and Healing

by | Jun 15, 2012 | ZZ_All

Eucharist in Suffering and Healing

Download text by H. E. Msgr. Rrok Mirdita, Metropolitan Archbishop of Tirana – Durres

Read by Fr Henry Veldkamp

A lucid and inspiring analysis of what redemption and forgiveness really are for us broken human beings. It is well established and emphasised how both gain full meaning through the bodilyness of the Son of God. Jesus reveals us the eternal Father through suffering and death by handing down to mankind the sacrament of His body and blood. The essence of the “touchability” of His teaching is the new and everlasting glad tiding, that man’s mortality can be seen in a complete new and promising perspective. Growing into Christ and His eternal love for the Father we learn to see that sin is the only real illness. By giving us His body and blood in the most absolute and complete way over and over again Christ makes it possible for us to be healed from sin and death. He restores in us the likeness of God! What a great future!

Date of event Friday 15th June

Fr Henricus Veldkamp

Born in the Netherlands 1952, Father Veldkamp went to a minor Seminary in Zeeland to become a priest, when he was 12 years old. He left in 1967, after the Beatles came to Amsterdam and the whole seminary within one year ran out of students like a flat tyre.

After finishing Law School at the Rijksuniversiteit of Groningen, weary with career minded society, the Dutchman started a pilgrim ‘career’ to criss-cross Europe on foot, to finally end up in tortured and devastated Albania.

He was ordained a priest in 1998 in Albania after four years of further formation in St Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers, New York. Ever since that memorable day he has been Archbishop Mirdita’s secretary and is now the chancellor of the Archdiocese of Tirana-Durrës.