The Salesians have redesigned their website and released an App for iOS and Andoid devices. Download for free now.
As a part of the celebrations of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco’s birth, and attempting to mark it in a special way, we have changed the design of our website to make it clearer and more user friendly.
At the same time, we have developed a brand new Salesian App available for free on iOS and on Android devices:
There are some new features available on both the website and App, such as a Sunday reflection – for each Sunday of the Year, a prayer request/card section, where you can send a prayer request to your friend, family, etc. or forward it to anyone as an e-card at
We are also working on the new Resources area which should be ready soon.
Try out the new Salesian App and share it with others who might like to use it. It is for free and it can bring the Gospel, Prayer experience and Salesian News closer to all of us, young and old of all ages!
Download it and enjoy!